Accredited Coach & NLP Training
FREE GUIDE - How to choose your trainingWant to become a professional Coach & NLP Practitioner
A professional coaching business is a powerful way to impact others and empower them to move forward & achieve their goals. Build a successful, financially secure business and create your legacy.
Coaching industry is unregulated so, technically, anyone can be a coach.
However, it is becoming more and more recognised that training as a coach is an ethical decision for those who care about standards and clients.
COACH was created as a brand to raise awareness of professional coaches and training.
It could be you choose to train as a coach if you find yourself ‘unofficially’ coaching in your business.
Perhaps after redundancy or a period away from work you want a new avenue of freedom or you wish to further your own personal development.
If you’re running your own business already or thinking of starting your own coaching business, you may want to formalise your coaching skills through an accredited coaching course.
What are the advantages to becoming a Coach?
Why become a coach?
The advantage of choosing to become a coach is that it can be developed as a business that can fit around your life and allow you to work the way you want to work and there are many models of coaching to expand your reach and income.
You may have many questions around the significance of attaining a recognised certificate in coaching. Accreditation from a main recognised body is important as many accreditations are self-appointed and cannot be guaranteed to measure the standards effectively enough.
COACH is here to help guide you in your decision and offer you the information you need with this guide.
It could be you choose to take a coach training course as you find yourself wanting a new career path and to run your own business.
You may simply wish to further your own personal development which, in itself, will be life changing, especially when combined with NLP skills.
If you’re running your own business already, are thinking of starting your own coaching business or feel you are ‘unoficially’ coaching, you may want to formalise your coaching skills through an accredited coaching
Your 10 Step Guide to choosing Accredited Coach and NLP Practitioner Training
In partnership with The Academy of Coaching and Training, COACH Magazine brings you this 15 page guide covering the 10 key areas you need to research for choosing your foundational Accredited Coach Training.
Learn the difference between Accredited Training and being an Accredited Coach, why NLP is your superpower as a coach and what's important to know about the trainer you choose.

Ready to train as a coach and NLP Practitioner?
COACH and The Academy of Coaching and Training Ltd are partnered to provide the highest gold standard coach training and this event is designed for anyone considering coaching as a career and wanting a deeper understanding of how to train as a coach and NLP Practitioner.
Learn how coaching can impact others and how you can, simultaneously, build a powerful, successful, freedom-led coaching business.
Meet your Trainer
Steve Payne is a Coach & NLP trainer, TEDx finalist and public speaker. He is also one of very few certified Master Trainers of NLP, founder of the Academy of Coaching and Training and sits on the training and accreditation panel for the Association for NLP.