Have your article published
We welcome a variety of styles and niches plus your personal journeys and inspirational stories. If you are a coach, mentor, speaker, consultant or therapist and would like to contribute, we would love to hear from you.
Requirements for submission
Articles need to be between 600-1000 words accompanied by a short professional BIO (60 words) plus at least two high resolution professional branding photographs (landscape)
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Attracting a wide readership from coaches, entrepreneurs, leaders in business and individuals, COACH readers are committed to learning and development, appreciate the value in coaching and seek change and growth for themselves, their businesses, their teams and their lives.
All coaches who feature and list in COACH are qualified and professionally trained.

COACH: The Podcast
Conversations with some of the best coaches, mentors and therapists from around the globe to really discover the power of coaching, growth and change.
We explore how coaching offers real transformations for you, your life and business and talk to coaches who are really making a difference in their field.